Consumer Protection Act 1986

Consumer Protection Act 1986

Hello, guys, this is not first blog post and in this blog post, I will be teaching you class 12th's last chapter of business studies that is consumer protection so without wasting time let's get started..

So, first of all, we have to know that what is consumer protection?
It refers to the protection of consumer from cheating, exploits and unfair trade practices from manufacturers coma traders, sellers and services providers.

What is the scope of the Consumer Protection Act (1986)?

This act applicable for all type of undertaking whether it is a large scale or small scale industry, whether it is a private sector and public sector, whether they are supplying goods are providing services whether traded or manufacturer.

This act provides three-tier judicial redressal machinery consisting of district forms state commission.

This act provides six rights which are Right to choose, Right to be heard, Right to seek redressal, Right to consumer education Right to informed, Right to safety.

It also provides for the formation of consumer protection council in every district in state at Apex level to promote and protect the various rights of the consumer.

Now let's discuss what are NGOs and functions.


The non-governmental organisation set up the promotion and protection of consumer interest.

Function of NGOs

  1. The first function is educating the general public about consumer rights by organising workshop or training programmes etc.
  2. Publishing periodical publication to import the knowledge about the consumer problems legal report and relief available to the consumers.
  3. Carrying out comparative testing of consumer products in the lab.
  4. Encouraging consumer to strongly protest and take action against cheating, exploitative in unfair trade practices of seller.
  5. Provide legal assistance to a consumer by way of providing legal aid.
  6. The filling complaint in appropriate Consumer court on behalf of the consumer.
  7. Taking initiative in the feeling case in consumer court in the interest of the general public, not for an individual.

Consumer Rights

Right To Safety

right to safety states that a consumer has the right to be protected against goods and services which are hazardous to his life in health. For example, take any electronic appliances which are manufacturing with not conform norms they might cause serious injury. Thus consumers should use ISI certified electronic appliances.

Right to Informed

The consumer has the right to have complete information about he or her intense to buy including its ingredient, manufacturing date, expiry dates price etc. It is due to the legal framework of India i.e. Right To Information Act 2005 Section 4.

Right To Choose

Right to choose stats the consumer as the freedom to choose a variety of products at a comparative price. It implies that the marketer should provide variety of products in terms of quality, brand, price etc.

So this is all for this blog post I will continue it in my next blog post.


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